Basic PARS JSON Validator Tool

This tool can be used to check the validity of PARS CPP JSON upload files. You can upload a PARS CPP JSON file and see the results below, broken down by which dataset is causing the issue.

Please note: ahead of production launch of the JSON system, validation on schema names has been adjusted to be more rigid. Please ensure your specified schema names are accurate and reflect the version you are using. For example, if you are using fields added in version v5-0-2, specifying v5-0-0 in your file will cause errors.

This tool runs locally in your browser. No data is uploaded over the network or stored on the PARS servers at any point. An offline installer for Windows/Mac/Linux can be downloaded at the link in the top right.

You can also validate JSON files with Microsoft VSCode, an advanced text editor. So long as the $schema field at the top of the file is correct, VSCode provides spell-check style underlines under any issue, which for some issues may be easier to work with than this website.