Generate CSV Files from JSON Cost Files

This tool is a temporary workaround for use only by contractors who have updated their Cobra installation to 8.5 and are unable to export CMP files for use with the PARS extractor. This tool will attempt to generate CSV files based on exported JSON files, but it is not guaranteed to work and may cause incorrect data. Please carefully review any files it outputs.

Note: The result will only be as good as your JSON file - if your JSON has issues or missing data, those will show up. DS07 will likely need data added manually to fields that were moved to other datasets.

If there is any possible way to access an installation of Cobra 8.4 or lower, you should do that rather than using this tool!

Please load a single Zip file that contains 7 JSON files for DS01 through DS07. Don't include any other files.

This tool runs locally in your browser. No data is uploaded over the network or stored on the PARS servers at any point. An offline installer for Windows/Mac/Linux can be downloaded at the link in the top right.